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How a Truck Tax Service Subscription Model Can Save You Time and Money 

Filing taxes is a complicated process no matter which way you slice it. The good thing about living in the current day and age is that technology can help make the process easier. While making money with your truck remains a viable way of life, there’s no reason that you have to pay your truck tax the same old way. Using an online site like Your Truck Tax to handle tax documents is a safer way to file taxes, especially in the time of the Novel Coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic. In today’s article, we’ll take a look at how a truck tax subscription service can help save you time and money when it comes to handling this important part of truck ownership and operation.

What Is a Truck Tax Subscription Service?

The first thing to know about a service like this is what it involves. A truck tax subscription service is the plan that you purchase at the beginning of the year that covers your entire fleet for the entire tax year. At Your Truck Tax, we refer to our subscribers as our members. Truck driving professionals work hard enough and the last thing that they need to worry about is filling out tax forms. We offer two levels of subscription: $199.99 per year for up to 24 trucks and $349.99 for 25 or more trucks. In addition to that, a small filing fee will be paid at the time of filing. That’s it, no surprises.

How Secure Are Truck Tax Transactions?

The second thing to know about our truck tax service transactions is how secure they are. Unlike filing taxes at an accountant’s office, there is no paper trail involved. All of your tax documents are located on a secured server with extremely limited access. Your sensitive financial records are kept under digital lock and key. Once your taxes have been filed, they are not viewed again except by the IRS. 

We understand that filing taxes online can be a hot topic for many folks, especially when there always seems to be a data breach making the news. We take internet security incredibly seriously. We safeguard our entire network and encrypt every piece of data that enters our systems. This means no unnecessary risk to you or your confidential information.

How Accurate Are the Truck Tax Documents We File?

The third idea to keep in mind about truck tax service subscriptions is the quality of the tax forms submitted. When Your Truck Tax files your tax documents, they are accurate. The forms that you complete with us are reviewed carefully by our in-house accountants. Our tax experts understand the complexities of truck tax laws and changes in tax codes. Trusting our team can save you a ton in tax fees and penalties.

The tricky thing about truck taxes is that they aren’t due on the same date. Unlike personal taxes that are due on April 15th every year, your truck taxes are due depending on when you started driving the truck. According to the IRS, 2290 forms are due on the last day of the month, the first month following the month you started using the truck. For example, if you purchased your truck in June 2020, your 2290 form would be due on July 31, 2020.

Do Your Truck Tax Subscriptions Have Perks?

The fourth concept about truck tax service subscriptions to know is that our members receive additional benefits. While we’ve already discussed some cost and anxiety saving features of our services, our customers receive more than just discounted filing on truck taxes. Additionally, our tax experts are happy to assist drivers in filing their personal taxes each year. The best part--personal income taxes are filed free with all Your Truck Tax membership plans.

Also, our team of tax professionals are available to answer questions at any point in the tax preparation process.Whether you own a single truck or 25 trucks, we do everything we can to maximize efficiency and eliminate the stresses of tax preparation.

Is There a Bad Time to Get a Service Subscription?

The fifth idea to understand about truck tax service subscriptions is that there’s no bad time to become a member. As trucking industry professionals, your time is incredibly valuable. Chances are that you might not be able to visit an accountant’s office during regular business hours. Maybe you’re behind the wheel most days. The beautiful thing about using Your Truck Tax to file your documents is that the work can be done on your schedule.

You can file your taxes with us at any time--day, night, or weekends. If you have your records and an internet connection, you can get your truck taxes underway in a matter of moments. Depending on the number of trucks in your fleet and the documents you need to file, you could be finished in a few brief moments. As a Your Truck Tax subscriber, you are completely in control of when, where, and how you get your business taxes done.

Your Truck Tax: A Truck Tax Subscription Service Designed for You

Whether you’re a truck driver yourself or you simply manage tax documents for a trucking company, we can find a solution to suit your unique needs. At Your Truck Tax, we work hard to earn your business and we take a great level of pride in providing excellent customer service from beginning to end. As a result, many of our customers return year after year. When you’re ready to file your truck taxes, look no further than Your Truck Tax. Contact us today!